


Start Your Journey to Becoming a Certified Athletic Trainer

Picture yourself interning with an NFL team, 帮助芭蕾舞演员在他们的巅峰表演或支持一家领先的骨科公司. 在十大网赌正规网址, 你可以通过我们的运动前训练计划开始你的旅程,获得这些令人难以置信的机会.

拥有临床和康复科学学士学位,并专注于运动前训练, 你将获得实际的临床经验和培训,这将为你申请研究生课程做准备,然后作为一名认证的运动教练(ATC)进行考试。.

体育教练作为高中医疗团队的成员发挥着宝贵的作用, 大学, 大学, 表演艺术场地, 专业运动队, 运动医学诊所, hospital settings and more. Wherever your passion lies, our comprehensive program will equip you with the knowledge, skills and experience you need to thrive.

此外, 因为要成为一名合格的运动教练,运动训练硕士学位是必不可少的, 我们使从我们的运动前训练项目到我们的运动训练硕士项目的过渡更加无缝. 利用独特的途径,如早期保证和我们的3+2 MAT项目选项, ensuring you’re on the fast track to a rewarding career.









在校园 有一些在线课程 

*Pre-AT students can earn this degree in 3-4 years.

Why Choose Manchester for Pre-Athletic Training?

我们的运动前训练计划提供了一个多方面和全面的方法, 赋予你所需的知识和技能,使你成为一名合格的运动教练. 这不仅包括技术专长,还包括对医疗保健和体育产业的深刻理解.

我们的课程和支持系统是量身定制的,使您具备成功职业生涯所必需的能力. From hands-on clinical experience to personalized mentorship, 我们的教师将指导你的每一步,帮助你在这个充满活力和回报丰厚的领域充分发挥你的潜力.

Athletic Training 3+2 Option

Unlock the fast track to your career with our Athletic Training 3+2 option. 在短短五年内, 你可以同时获得临床和康复科学学士学位和运动训练硕士学位. With our accelerated schedule, including summer coursework, you’ll save time and money on the way to your dream career. 此外,你将在我们位于印第安纳州韦恩堡的公司获得宝贵的经验和人脉.、位置.

一些学生更喜欢传统的途径,包括四年的本科学习, 包括打算保持四年运动资格的学生运动员.


Start your journey with confidence through our Pre-AT 早期保证计划. As a first-year undergraduate student, opt in to this program to receive structured guidance, 确保你走在成为一名合格的运动教练的正确道路上. If eligible, you can secure your reserved seat in Manchester's 垫项目.

Learning from industry experts

我们的教师导师将多年的实际经验带到课堂上. You'll learn from the best, 获得课本上找不到的实用见解和知识. 你的教授们充满激情,乐于助人,并且有动力帮助你取得成功.



我选择运动训练是为了和各种各样的积极向上的人一起工作,成为最好的自己. Athletic training is different every day, and you get the chance to impact people’s lives, both injured and non-injured, 在很多方面."
Jeffrey A Beer PhD, LAT, ATC
椅子 & Professor Exercise Science, 十大网赌正规网址

What Can You Do With Your Pre-Athletic Training Degree?

With a degree in Pre-Athletic Training from Manchester, your opportunities are as diverse as they are exciting. 我们的课程不仅为您提供了坚实的运动训练基础,还为您提供了广泛的动态职业道路.

You could find yourself working in high schools, 学院或大学, 在确保学生运动员的健康方面,你将扮演一个不可或缺的角色. 医院可能是你的职业,在那里你帮助病人康复. Sports clinics offer a fast-paced and rewarding environment, 专业运动队为您的专业知识提供了激动人心的背景. Or perhaps you’re interested in pediatrics or orthopedics.

Whatever professional goals you aspire to, 作为一名经过认证的运动教练,你可以通过一份回报丰厚的职业对人们的生活产生真正的影响.

Career Outlook for Athletic Training 研究生s

Athletic trainers are highly sought after. 事实上, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 预计到2032年,运动教练的就业将显著增长14%. This rate is significantly faster than the aver年龄 for all occupations. 这也证明了运动教练在各种环境中发挥的关键作用.

How Much Do 十大赌博正规信誉网址 Trainers Make?

According to BLS w年龄 data, 美国体育教练的平均年薪为53美元,840 in 2022, with the highest 10 percent earning more than $78,000. Athletic trainers working in educational settings, such as 大学 and 大学, 平均收入为56美元,930.

Explore Our Pre-Athletic Training Courses

我们的运动前训练课程无缝结合理论和实践经验, 确保你为作为一名运动教练将面临的各种挑战做好充分准备.

我们的综合课程将带您超越传统的课堂学习. 每门课程都是精心设计的,为您提供对运动训练领域深刻而全面的理解.

您将探索支撑运动恢复的基本原则, learning how to assess and diagnose injuries effectively. 另外, you'll examine the intricacies of the human body's mechanics, comprehending its movements both in health and during injury.

With an additional emphasis on developing essential skills, including orthopedic evaluations and therapeutic modalities, 我们的运动前培训学位将为您在这个令人兴奋的领域应对现实世界的挑战做好准备.

View all required classes for the Pre-Athletic Training Program.

Get Started on Your Pre-Athletic Training Degree

采取下一步行动,从十大网赌正规网址获得运动前训练学位. We have the resources to help you get started. Apply today or request more information.

Non-Discrimination in the Admission Process

十大网赌正规网址致力于校园生活中的非歧视. The University does not discriminate on the basis of national origin, 祖先, 比赛, color, 年龄, 性, gender identity or expression, 性取向, 家族的地位, 宗教, disability or veteran status in admissions or any area of campus life, including its educational programs, scholarships and loan awards, 居住生活项目, 运动项目, 课外项目, promotion and tenure policies and practice, 校友事务.

十大网赌正规网址致力于执行1973年《十大赌博正规信誉网址》第504条和《十大赌博正规信誉网址》的规定, 为身体残疾的人提供无障碍的大学课程.